Monasterio Nuestra Señora De Los Angeles / Monjas Dominicas
Mare de Deu del Roser, 2.
Sant Cugat.
Rising at 06.15. In the shower: an insight & sense of connection to the informal yesterday-late SSG I observation, connecting to my experience as a young player working in popular culture at the end of the 1960s & early 1970s.
Morning Sitting at 07.15, many of the Beginners absent.
Breakfast at 08.00; Silence visited c. 08.22 & was accepted for a while.
A Personal Meeting with a Staff member; followed by a meeting of the SSG I.
Kitchen Team meeting at 09.30 for comments & observations. Several suggestions in response to the question asked at the first Kitchen Team meeting last Friday: why is the beginning important? My own answer: because the quality of affirmation significantly determines the unfolding of the process. A strong affirmation can’t guarantee the completion of a process, but it can get us halfway.
T’ai chi at 10.00.
Personal meetings with Beginners at 10.30.
The fourth mosquito bite of this course has just appeared on the little finger of my left hand.
13.55 Lunch: Silence visited at 13.05 and was put aside for wittering. The voice that has wittered reliably & constantly through the course on all meals, and is often the first voice to present a comment, wittered on, reliably & constantly.
At 13.25 silence returned with suddenness, and was accepted. The owner of the voice that has wittered reliably & constantly throughout the course was outside the room at the time, and returned to a room embracing Silence.
Seconds were offered.
The fifth mosquito bite has appeared, on my right lower leg.
17.04 Meeting with The LCG4 at 15.15.
Tea with stunning halva & Turkish delight, coffee & hot milk. Very tasty & most welcome.
Ta’I chi at 16.30.
Personal meetings at 17.10.
Quiet Time at 18.30.
20.33 Once again the top table noticed that desserts were larger on the second wave of delivery; and once again seconds on the top table made up for the niggardly first wave, of flan.
Silence visited dinner c. 19.22 and, after a few minutes of reliable & constant wittering, was allowed in.
The Beginners have mounted a security person in the ballroom…
21.56 A fun & mostly spirited performance lasting c. 30 minutes. Noisy good humour from the audience, often louder than the performers. My sense was, the audience were the performance.
The audience sat on in silence after the performers left the ballroom.
22.34 Some expression of concern, was voiced in the lower corridors of the ground floor, that something was lost because of the audience’s behaviour. My opinion was solicited and, yes, I agree. The qualitative aspects of the role of heckler are not very much honoured at GC House Performances, where audience high spirits are often expressed in various forms of humourful disruption. I associate these exuberant audient practices with a strong Argentinian presence on courses.
The early courses in Argentina set new levels of audient participation, adding peeled soft fruit to the staple fare of peanuts; and an extended repertoire of gags (such as metronomes, cellphones, torches, pulled power cables, de-tuned strings & sing-along) to disappearing chairs.
But at this particular performance, nothing was thrown (that I saw).